Health Enhancement

Poor diet, irregular physical activity, stress, and lack of sleep - all of these factors can have an adverse effect on health.

Resources deplete, immunity weakens, the body begins to store excess fat, emotional tone decreases, and the nervous system becomes unstable.

Vitamin infusions can help cope with excessive emotional stress, reduce stress levels, and promote recovery and muscle relaxation.

Vitamin Boost

We offer:

  • Strengthening infusions

  • Restorative infusions

  • Cleansing infusions

  • Rejuvenating infusions

The vitamin "cocktail" is individually tailored for each patient based on medical indications (deficiencies), medical history, and compatibility of medications.


Effectiveness of infusions versus over-the-counter vitamins:

  • vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies are replenished faster

  • does not disrupt internal organs functions, particularly the digestive system

  • when injected intravenously, vitamins go directly into the bloodstream, then into internal organs and tissues

  • vitamin cocktails work at the cellular level and improve the condition of each structural unit

Who will benefit?

Vitamin infusions will be beneficial for:

  • those who prefer intense physical exertion and active sports. Also in cases of heavy workloads with dangerous and harmful labor conditions;

  • in cases of chronic illnesses that deplete the body of the essentials micronutrients;

  • elderly people;

  • in cases of the general weakening of the body and loss of energy (caused by lack of sleep or unbalanced diet);

  • in cases of diseases associated with high energy loss (chronic bronchitis, hepatitis, psoriasis, migraines, etc.);

  • before and after surgeries or surgical treatments.

Price List

Iron Drip

Replenishes acquired iron deficiency in the body. After the procedure, the patient feels a surge of strength and energy. The body's protective forces, tone, and stress resistance are increased.

60 min | 90€ | Book


Immunity Drip

Improves all types of immunity in the body by increasing the number of immune cells and normalizing the composition of fluid for their full and proper functioning in the body.

60 min | 90€ | Book

Detox drip

Cleanses the body of palytoxins, improves the function of all organs and systems under conditions of temporary polyorgan intoxication and insufficiency, relieve swelling, and adapts and normalizes cell function under conditions of prolonged exposure to toxic substances.

60 min | 90€ | Book

Glutathione drip

Promotes the removal of toxins and free radicals, increases stress resistance, fights premature aging, and reduces inflammation. Glutathione drip is among the top drips for skin beauty and health.

60 min | 90€ | Book

Recovery drip

Restores lost strength due to prolonged physical or psycho-emotional overload. Stabilizes and improves the overall metabolism of organs and systems in the body.

60 min | 90€ | Book

Libido vitamin infusion

30 min | 50€ | Book

Improves and normalizes the functioning of the urogenital system by activating peripheral blood supply and hormonal surge. Suitable for men over 40 and athletes.

60 min | 90€ | Book

Hangover drip

Helps to remove the residues of alcohol and toxic products from its breakdown. The functioning of vital organs is normalized, and the overall negative consequences of alcohol abuse for the body are minimized.

Contraindication: the drip is not administered in the presence of alcohol psychosis in the stage of delirium tremens.

60 min | 90€ | Book